We often tell our clients that we'll get them more complaints than any other reputation…

Is Social Media the Key to Reviews that Stick?
Is Social Media the Key to Reviews that Stick?
The short answer is, “Yes”.
Our research and testing have taken us down a road that other reputation management companies have missed. The challenge is that sites like Yelp often do not allow reviews to “stick” on their website. They are very particular with their filter and are really pushing for organic reviews and that makes perfect sense. However, it’s not conducive for car dealers who are trying to expand the number of reviews that their customers are leaving.
The solution – make it organic! By using social media the right way to drive traffic to your review pages, you’ll be able to have a dramatic improvement on the number of reviews that stick. The reason is that most companies use emails and landing pages to drive traffic which instantly raises flags on the review sites’ filters. By coming in through social media shares, the reviews are much more likely to become permanent.
This does not solve the challenge of activity. In other words, someone who does not use the review sites occasionally will still get filtered, especially if it’s their first review, but the chances of other sticking are still much higher.
The right way to do it has nothing to do with what most are attempting. They are using the share buttons or API feeds to post. These are worthless. Hand-posting your review pages from theses sites and promoting them the right way is the key to getting more reviews. Feel free to contact us if you’re interested in taking advantage of this strategy.