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Data Mining / List Cleansing
We take the list you export from your CRM and do the following to keep your list clean and engaged:
- Scrub out potential spam traps and bad emails
We have a rigorous 3-step data cleaning process to purge fake, invalid and undeliverable emails that could harm your reputation if not removed
- Opt-out Campaign
We deploy a “cleaner†campaign designed to ask people to opt-out from receiving your emails who may otherwise flag you as spam and harm your reputation with ISP’s
- ISP Distribution Analysis
By analyzing the distribution percentage of emails from the major ISP’s (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) in your list we can develop strategies to optimize deployment and content to maximize inbox placement.
- Email Client Distribution Analysis
By analyzing the distribution percentage of emails opened on certain email clients (desktop, mobile, web based) we can also develop strategies for content which may be optimal on certain clients vs. others (MS Outlook blocks many effects and enhancements)
- Periodic Purge of Dormant Customers
The major ISP’s are now starting to incorporate “engagement†as a metric to determine inbox placement. We periodically redeploy to opt-out uninterested prospects or re-engage those who haven’t been engaged
- Sample Hygiene Report

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